Welcome to our Donation & Getting Involved Page
We are building a platform, an E-'BoneHouse' for future Generations. Will you help us to erect the poles, turf the roof, and wattle and daub the walls?
When we are completed, will you then raise a drinking horn filled with fine mead, to the nine worlds of Yggdrasil?
(read on to discover how you can help)
Every donation helps the 'Elders of Aodhagan' to continue our work in bringing ancient wisdom to the world at this time of great challenge
Donations: We are welcoming donations to help us expand the reach of 'The Elders of Aodhagan'. If you are inspired by the work that we do here, please consider donating.
(click the 'JustGiving' icon to visit our donations page or click here)

What we're About
Every donation helps the 'Elders of Aodhagan' to continue our work in bringing ancient wisdom to the world at this time of great challenge
But it's not all about money
Ancient wisdom, especially that of the 'Northern Path' and 'Norse Shamanism', drives everything that we do at Aodhagan. With this in mind, we are building a 'Grand LongHouse' where we shall welcome the ancient Norse Seeress.
We are gathering the wood and kindling, lighting the fires, tuning the Targleharpa, drying drum skins, and readying her high-seat.
And when she arrives, seated on her high-seat, we will listen to the enchanted tales she tells, hear her oracular words, look at the bones and runes she casts upon the floor, and open a space in which great medicine can be offered for the future of humanity as a whole

Forgotten Knowledge
"For the old stories are being forgotten, the old lores forsaken, the mythologies are all but abandoned
We no longer listen to Brother Blackbird or Sister Hare as they whisper their sweet magic upon cool evening breezes; and fail to listen to the babble of the brooke, as it she sings her enchanted songs
To what cost? to what cost? only time will tell ..."
Jay Livingstone
Some say that culture without myths and stories are sick culture. Furthermore, those within those cultures without an ear to hear the Blackbird, Brooke and Hare, are living but a half life ....
Some say that humanity (in the contemporary Western world) has lost its way. If this is true, then we feel that for humanity to navigate the waterways of its future, it must gather around the ancient fires and look deeply into the flames of 'years-gone-by'. It must listen to the stories of its ancient roots; to the Sagas, the poems, and faerytales left by the ancestors. And it must listen to the Ravens who speak at midnight, and the soft speech of rustling leaves in the cool, autumn evening. For in this act, humanity can look to the heavens and find their northern star; and may then navigate their onward journey.
Sadly, most of our 'Northern Path' traditions and wisdom are long, long lost to us; lost to the ancient past through fire and blade. However, just because most of this wisdom has been erased from the written historical record, it does not mean that it has been totally lost to humanity.
Those who know where, and more importantly, how, to look can retrieve this wisdom.

Those with an open eye, ear and heart, can journey to the different realms of Yggdrasil and:
talk with Giants and Dwarves, hearing their epic stories;
travel to the well of Mimir and retrieve sacred knowledge;
talk to Urd - the great wisdom keeper who waters the great tree with our memories
All is there, if only we take the time to find it

What are we trying to Achieve?
We believe that ancient wisdom of the 'Northern Path' with its legends and folklore (besides other such 'forgotten things'), have as much relevance today as they did hundreds, or even thousands of years ago. Aodhagan believes that in the 'present day' with its rationalist-reductionist approach, vast swathe of contemporary society have become detached observers of the living world; leading to very real societal and environmental/ecological problems. The old ways, old traditions, and old wisdom, urge us to reconsider our ways in order to move forward and navigate our future path as a humanity
The Elders of Aodhagan is more than a website. We are building a e-platform - a 'Grand LongHouse' and a 'BoneHouse for humanity'. We are building a place to house long-forgotten wisdom of the 'Northern Path' so that it can speak to the challenges of our modern world
Getting involved
You can help Aodhagan through one or more of the following ways
(remember, it's not always about donating money)
please send the link - theeldersofaodhagan.co.uk via email to your friends;
please tell everyone you can about our work, courses, gatherings, etc. 'word-of-mouth' is excellent;
please like and follow our facebook, YouTube and social channels;
please like and share our posts to your social networks - especially facebook and YouTube videos;
please consider donating to our just giving campaign (click the JustGiving icon or click here);
if you feel inspired, please consider taking a course, or attending a gathering;
if you feel the need, take a coaching or mentoring session with me;
and if you have experienced my work, please send me a testimonial for this site;
We welcome any & all support that you may be able offer at this time; any and all donations do really help 'The Elders' to grow, and reach a wider audience. If you cannot donate financially, please consider widening our reach to your social networks (see above)